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- SPECIAL RELEASE:AQUARIUS IS UFO PROJECT, SAYS NSAPARANET ALPHA 04/01 -- No, this is not an April Fool joke. Nor, by the way, is it the full
- extent of the Big Breakthrough. But its a good start.Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) is reporting that the NSA has CONFIRMED thethat th
- e US Air Force project code-named Aquarius is UFO-oriented. In theirlatest CAUS BULLETIN, editors Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett state
- thefollowing:<< One of our members, Clifford Stone, received copies of letters sent toSenators John Glenn and Peter Domenici affirming th
- at this was so. Stonerequested the assistance of the Senators when the NSA became balky atresponding to his requests on Aquarius. This comes
- as a striking reversal toprevious statements about the non-relationship of Aquarius to UFOs.Apparently, the NSA does have their own "Projec
- t Aquarius" which they claimdoesn't relate to UFOs. Feeling pressure from public inquiries which confusedthe NSA's "Aquarius" with the rumor
- ed Aquarius/UFO project, the NSA seeminglyhas decided to "spill the beans" on the Air Force. Why this happened isunknown since a simple "no"
- to the senators probably would not have gone anyfurther. The NSA may have felt that with the number of inquiries coming insuddenly on Aquar
- ius, there may have been a "smoking gun" in someone's handsthat would have rendered additional denials into the category of "bald-facedlie".
- >>The significance of this revelation is this: 1) The Air Force, contrary topublic claims, continued investigating UFOs covertly at lea
- st until 1976. 2)The document which first tipped investigators off to the existence of Aquariusis now rendered much more credible. That docu
- ment also spoke of somethingcalled MJ-12, a rumored high-level brain trust signed into existence by HarryS Truman in 1947 to study the UFO p
- henomenon. The next part of the BigBreakthrough is reported to be an admission by the Pentagon of the continuedexistence of MJ-12.I can now
- tell you the media to keep your eyes on for further revelations, ifany are forthcoming: The New York Times, and 60 Minutes. There are unconf
- irmedreports that the latter TV magazine will be featuring a very revealing storyon the UFO front sometime this month. There are CONFIRMED r
- eports that the NewYork Times Science editor has heard rumors flying around the Pentagon to theeffect that either A) there will be an offici
- al announcement, or B) awhistle-blower is about to blow.In the same vein, last night I had a phone conversation with Major JamesMcGaha, co-f
- ounder of Tucson Skeptics, Inc., the same group that today awardedthe first "Fuzzy" to former state rep Jim Cooper (see <N>ews). Last yearbe
- fore going public with our info on Aquarius, I showed the document to theMajor, whose reaction was quite interesting. When I told him last n
- ight thatthe document had been reportedly confirmed by Sen's Glenn and Domenici, hisreaction was somewhat different. "The letters from the S
- enators are probablyforged", he said. "You know, its like those letters from Sen. Goldwater thatwere circulated, to the effect that he had b
- een denied entrance to somebuilding at Wright-Patterson AFB, which was supposed to contain alien bodies.Those letters made the Senator look
- ridiculous! I'd be willing to bet someaide of his just pulled a joke."ParaNet has confirmed that the Goldwater letters were no joke. The Sen
- ator hasadmitted in several interviews that the event really took place.We are in the process of confirming the Glenn and Domenici letters.
- Details tofollow.JimLibrary references: <S>earch on keywords AQUARIUS, GOLDWATER, MJ-12.